Sorry about the lack of posting, this semester is kicking my butt and I really don't have a lot of time for blogging!
Recently I have discovered something interesting. I have learned who my BEST friends are at this time in my life.
The first, quite obviously, is Tony. I could not ask for a better husband to be with. He understands me and sticks with me through my silly adventures I have in this life. He loves me for who I am, not for what I'm supposed to be or expected to be. He is so loving and accepting. I really don't think I could have married a better man for me. I can talk to him about everything I'm feeling without fear of judgment or criticism. He is my bestest friend and I'm glad I have him as a forever friend :)
The other, which I'm finding funnier by the day, is the little girl I spend most of my days with: Grace. This girl loves me so unconditionally it isn't funny. I realized that she was my best friend a week ago when we went to the mall for a "girls day." (it was her idea.) We tried silly clothes on, and she gave me her opinion on how things looked on me, whether they made me look silly or as beautiful as a princess. I feel good when I'm around her, and she told me that she likes being with me as well. I think it's hilarious that the one girlfriend I trust most is going to be four in a few weeks. I have a feeling that being a mom is going to be fun someday, if it's anything like hanging out with Gracie-Head Maisey.
I know this is a random post, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I feel like I'm beginning to relate to all of you mothers out there. I can imagine that your adorable children are among your best friends.