
To the City of Pleasant Grove (and its drivers):

First of all, let me express how much I enjoy living in PG. There are things close by, lots of friendly people, and it's nice and quiet compared to the Provo scene Tony and I are used to.


Why are there no sidewalks in this stinking town?! No matter where we seem to go there are no sidewalks! And if there are sidewalks, they last only for about 100 feet or so, then drop off into a ditch or sewage drain.

I suppose most people don't mind the lack of sidewalks because of these wonderful things called automobiles....but I DO. Who doesn't like to take a nice Sunday stroll when the weather is beautiful outside? But, I mostly mind because Tony and I love to go running at night. Running without sidewalks is a pretty tricky deal here in PG, especially when you factor in the lovely drivers that cruise 700 South from 9 to 10pm each night.

No sidewalks I can learn to deal with. I've learned to run in gravel and dirt and on the shoulders of some tricky, dark roads. But I think that no one else in the "Grove" realizes that there aren't sidewalks for runners to run on (or walkers to walk on). Each night Tony and I venture out to get in our daily exercise and to no surprise we get brights flashed at us, multiple honks, and other gestures that seem to say "Hey, don't you know that you're RUNNING?!" Of course we do.

I am not, what Tony calls, "sure-footed". I get panicked when it's dark and I can't see where my feet are going. So, lovely drivers of Pleasant Grove, when you honk at me or flash your brights at me to inform me that I am running without sidewalks, it throws me off. Literally. The other night I nearly jumped in front of a car because they honked and it scared me so badly that I jumped. Unfortunatley I jumped the wrong direction, causing for quite a scary moment. Don't worry, I'm alive.

I guess my point is this: yes, I realize I'm running. Yes, I realize I'm running on the shoulder of the road. But I am following all of the pedestrian rules (running against traffic, etc.) and we move as far to the side as we can as a car passes us. If you have a problem with me exercising on the shoulders of the small-town looking roads of PG, take it up with the city, 'cause thar ain't no sidewalks!!

*rant complete*

1 comment:

  1. You show them, Hollie! Italians have sidewalks, but they are very poorly made (if at all) and big roadsigns are planted in them. Heaven help people in wheelchairs!
