
Go! Go! Go!

...is what Audrey says as she zooms through our house, WALKING.  This past Monday I was recognizing that Audrey has been more than ready to walk for quite some time so we spent the entire day working on getting her courage up.  The trick that got her walking was having a parade.  I started marching around the living room, singing, telling her how much fun I was having and suddenly she wanted in!  She crawled over to me, used my shorts to pull herself up, and started marching around with me.  Just like that!  She squealed with delight at her new trick and loved marching around playing follow the leader.  I was so excited for her to meet this milestone and we timed it perfectly so that we were parading when Tony walked in the door.  When he came in, she WALKED right over to him.  His jaw hit the floor, he looked at me and said, "she's walking?!?" It was really fun to see his surprise.

Now that Audrey can walk it's all she wants to do!  Most kids still prefer crawling once they learn to walk because it's faster, but not this girl!  I tried to pick her up this morning to get her to her room to play faster and she looked at me and sternly said, "no! no! no! walk! walk!"  It's made things a little more interesting (and difficult!). For instance, at the mall yesterday Audrey insisted on holding on to the basket of the stroller and helping me push.  Our mall trip lasted about an hour longer than I had anticipated :).

I'm so proud of Audrey!  Here's proof that she can walk walk walk!

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