This may not be your typical Mother's day blog, but I've been wanting to get other opinions on this subject. Last Thursday I was listening to my favorite radio station and the DJ's began talking about Mother's day. One of these DJ's is married but he and his wife have no children. He asked the question, "do I get my wife a present for mother's day?" Women began calling in telling him that yes, he SHOULD get something/do something for his wife on mother's day because she is the future mother of his future children. The other DJ disagreed because she isn't a mother yet. I agree with the DJ. If you aren't a mother, celebrate YOUR mother. Get YOUR mom a gift and let her know how much you appreciate her. After all the day is for mothers, not future mothers. These women are just looking for another excuse to get presents and get pampered.
My view is this: if Tony has to get me a Mother's day present because I am the future mother of his children, shouldn't I have to get him a present for mother's day? After all, he will be the reason I am a future mother of his children. Ridiculous, isn't it? :) What are your opinions?
Happy future-Mother's day, Tony!
take advantage and celebrate all the "special" occasions you can. But, you should celebrate him on fathers day, not mothers day. lol
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Since I am not a mother, I do not expect mother's day presents. It's already weird enough that they always give me a little potted plant at church when I'm not a mom yet. I think if you start putting the emphasis that mother's day is for all women, it loses it's charm. While I definitely think it's a nice gesture when people include the non-mothers, I definitely don't think it should become a requirement.
ReplyDeleteSorry Hollie- I disagree.
ReplyDeleteMother's Day is a time to celebrate the unique gifts of women. They are plenty of women who may never have the opprotunity to be mothers that still need to be appreciated and Mother's day is a good time to do that. Its not about getting/givning presents as much as trying to say thank you and make the women in your life feel special.
Father's Day is the man version of all of this.
What can I say? I have stock in Hallmark... Any excuse to party...